The deadline for becoming a candidate for the various borough and city offices and service area boards is this Monday, August 17. You can find out about how to file here.
It is good to see that Jane Stein is running for seat G on the Central Peninsula Hospital Board. This is the seat currently held by Norm Olson, an avowed racist and the anti-government former head of the Michigan Militia. As of today, Norm has not filed for the election.
If you have been following the SOLdotna Cemetery debacle, you might be interested that Jay Rohloff is the sole candidate for Seat C on the Soldotna City Council. Jay has been one the chief propagandists leading the fight against the Redoubt site. None of Jay's arguments have held up under any sort of rational light. If elected, Jay would represent those who promote their narrow, but well-connected and funded point of view over the wishes of the community.
So - if you are one of the 63% of the folks that voted for the Redoubt site for the cemetery, it's time to file for a seat on the council!
Starting a New Series Celebrating Truth Tellers
Truth is coercive. We acknowledge this with phrases like “I have to say” or
“I must admit.” The truth can also be uncomfortable or downright onerous,
2 days ago
Jay Rohloff will make for a balanced city council. You just might be a reverse snob. The cemetery is a dead issue, move on to the need for traffic lights or the secret video cameras that was slipped past the public under homeland security.
I notice that the 'anonymous' comment above claims Rohloff will make for a 'balanced' council.
Nothing offered to define what 'balanced' might mean, and no evidence given to refute the charge that Rohloff had no argument that stood the test of logic or reason.
In a lame attempt to redirect attention away from Rohloff's actions, this 'anonymous' commenter says 'streetlights' are of a primary concern, evidently more of a concern than rationality.
And supposedly 'secret homeland security video cameras'?
If this anonymous commenter knows about these supposed video cameras, they aren't secret, and it's not certain that they even exist. No evidence is offered, so it appears to be nothing more than an attempt to deflect attention from Rohloff's actions.
The cemetery issue might have been decided, but the process, or review of what that process can tell us, proves that the cemetery is far from a dead issue.
I'm with souldotna on this, Rohloff bears careful scrutiny before giving him any benefit of the doubt.
I too hope Soldotna is able to field some alternate candidates.
Apathy gives us failure.
If we ever needed to learn that lesson once and for all, the last 30 years should have cemented that in everyone's mind.
Get involved, just whining isn't enough,
do something.
Go, Jane! I love that lady -- what a salt of the earth, committed, caring community member.
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